Friday, October 29, 2010

Spooky Meatloaf

Make recipe for Meatloaf,

Press into shaped pan or mold using your art skills.

(I used the Wilton skeleton ice mold. If using an intricate and hand wash only pan, start by lining it with plastic wrap, then press the meat in firmly.  Once molded, remove meat, place on baking sheet, and of course, remove the plastic wrap. )

Make the sauce and set aside for garnish.

Bake meatloaf according to directions. Remove from oven and layer with slices of your favorite white cheese to resemble bandages. Place in the oven to soften the cheeses. I left this one in too long, and the bandages turned to an oozey goo. Still spooky!

Remove once cheese is melted and garnish with olives or cherry tomatoes for eyes.  Serve with Meatloaf Sauce on the side.

Here is a link to Family fun and their version, which has properly melted cheese!

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